WordPress Website Planner Challenge February 2022

The Facebook Group opens 19th of February !
Count down is on until the Welcome Party is 20th (9PM Sydney)

-1081Days -1Hours -1Mins 00Secs

NCDAcademy WordPress101®
FREE 5 DAY – WordPress Website Planner Challenge

The WordPress Website Planner Challenge helps potential, New & Existing WordPress website owners get clarity around their WordPress Website Ideas.

Broken into 5 small tasks over 5 days you’ll piece together your 1page plan & learn how WordPress can be used to bring your ideas to reality!

End result – 5 Days- 5 small tasks = Clarity & 1 Page WordPress Website Plan!

So what will be covering over the 5 days?

During the 5 days I’ll share knowledge from my 13 years industry experience as a WordPress website developer & tech guide.

  • DAY 1 – Purpose of your Website
    Here we’ll look at the PURPOSE & FUNCTIONALITY of your website. So what is it that you’re trying to do and what features will your website offer- ie shop, portfolio, contact form.

  • DAY 2 – Audience Focus who they are & what they are searching
    We’ll talk a little bit about Search Engine Optimisations and I’ll show you some tools you can use to help create a list of AUDIENCE KEYWORDS & PHRASES.

  • Day 3 – Your Initial Content Plan – Your Pages & Main Menu
    We’ll get clear on the PAGES & MAIN MENU, looking at the content you’d like to offer and how that will look on your navigation menu of your website.

  • Day 4 – Your Ongoing Content Ideas
    We’ll look at the long-term intention of encouraging your audience to return to your website. ONGOING CONTENT IDEAS are going to be super helpful if your products or services don’t change frequently and is super beneficial for the search engines.

  • Day 5 – Design & Piecing your plan together.
    We’ll take a look at a couple of DESIGN ELEMENTS and then combine all of the ideas you’ve collected over the past 5 days into a 1 PAGE WORDPRESS WEBSITE PLAN which you can actually implement!

Who doesn’t love a Workbook?!

I’ve created a FREE printable workbook specifically for the challenge.
Whilst you don’t have to use the Workbook, it can be super fun to have something tangible to print out and write on. You can just use paper and pen to plan your ideas.
So please don’t let not being able to print put you off!

The workbook will be emailed out to a few days before the challenge starts .

How does this work!?

The challenge is held in a popup Facebook group
(You can request to join here – the group officially opens on the 19th February)

Each day of the challenge:
I’ll join you live in the group.
9PM Sydney | 10AM UK | 5AM US
(Calls are recorded and can be watched later under GUIDES)

I’ll share some information about a topic. I’ll give you your task for the day.
You’ll go to the GUIDES section in the group and find the Daily Answers Thread.
Post your completed task in the comments.

It’s as simple as that! TWO STEPS
1) watch the daily live video,
2) Submit completed task on relevant thread.

Did somebody say Prizes?!

It goes without saying the 1PAGE plan is a prize but I would love to help as many people as possible. The two primary prizes up for grabs will be:

RAFFLE – All participants that complete and submit their 5 tasks before Midnight on the 27th February will be entered into draw to win $50AUD Off WordPress101 course fee.

COMMUNITY CONTRIBUTOR – Awarded to the person who is most engaged, active and helping out in the Facebook Group. Things like posting comments, threads and generally being supporting and helping out. Participant will receive $50AUD Off WordPress101 Course



Each day you’ll be given a WORD. At the end of 5 days you’ll have 5 words that make up a password which can be used to access series of downloadable templates I use in my business

Simply watch the daily lives – either live or on reply anytime before midnight 27th of February. To get the passwords.

Who’s keen!? I am!!!
Happening 21sth February to 25th February

Register below and we’ll get things underway.

I’m hosting a welcome party on the 20th.
We’ll let everyone into the Facebook group at the same time.
You can Request to Join the Facebook group now

I’ll send you out email reminders when I’m about to go live each day

“6 Steps to turning your website ideas into action with WordPress”

MONDAY 28th February – Held on ZOOM

Following Challenge week, I’ll be hosting a FREE MASTERCLASS & WordPress101 Launch where we’ll go deeper into how you IMPLEMENT your 1 PAGE Plan. I’ll cover the 6 steps I take when developing WordPress websites for clients. As well as announcing the winners of the challenge prizes.

At the end of the presentation, I’ll be launching my WordPress101 – 8 Week Beginner’s Course and hosting a course Q&A.

WordPress101 – 8 Week Beginner’s Course Launch

MONDAY 28th February – Held on ZOOM

The WordPress101 Course is a self-study course that empowers WordPress website Owners to go from UNCERTAINTY to UNDERSTANDING their WordPress Website.

The course is broken into easy to consume videos lessons in non-techy language, which cover all the key foundations you’ll need to get the most out of WordPress.
It’s lifetime access course + live Q&A rounds + plenty of support and resources for a one-off payment.

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